What is Pilates

What is Pilates?

Pilates, named after its inventor Joseph Pilates was developed in the 1920’s. The Pilates method is a unique form of exercise that offers a gentle but powerful pathway to achieving natural potential for health, strength, flexibility and stamina co-ordinating the mind and body. The method is based on eight fundamental principles:-

  •     Alignment

  •     Concentration

  •     Breathing

  •     Centring

  •     Control

  •     Precision

  •     Flowing movement

  •     Routine

Pilates exercises re-educate and re-balance the body, promoting natural ease of movement and releasing tension and strain. Throughout each movement, the focus is on good postural alignment, efficient breathing and use of the deep postural muscles that stabilise and give support to the body.

There are 34 original movements which can be preformed on a mat and / or on specialised equipment.

Pilates can be used by almost anyone and there is no age starting point or limit. A regular Pilates routine can help to reduce and counteract the ‘wear and tear’ effects of daily life and maximise the body’s full potential. Benefits include:

  •     Lengthened and toned muscles

  •     Increased flexibility / mobility

  •     Increased core strength

  •     Improved postural control

  •     Heightened body awareness

  •     More efficient breathing

  •     Injury prevention

  •     Improved balance and co-ordination

  •     A calmer mind.

Pilates is recommended by many practitioners as the way forward in exercise.